was inspired by a photo i had seen on flickr earlier this summer. here's my version ... i am so sure the neighbors were peeking out their windows wondering who am i to be mowing the back yard with such an ensemble??!?!!
dad + cathy purchased kayaks recently. they can been seen tooting about the hingham harbor.
here's dad:
just about every other wednesday night, i pull my giant recycling bin to the curb of my driveway for thursday's pickup. it was last week when i was pulling this thing, just packed full, did i wonder what happens to this stuff after its dumped into the truck? and how do they sort the paper from plastic from glass?
well, clever me sent waste management an email asking about this process. i received a kind reply today from one of their customer service reps, stating the process and includes the website to view a video.
the process is still questionable ... the cardboard block could still have plastic bottles stuck in it!
(you tube video is easier to watch)
there is this flickr group called i made it myself where people can post pictures of what they've made with their own two hands.
today i made pseudo patio chair slipcovers myself. ok, with the help of two twin bed sheet sets, 18 yards of ribbon, a pair of scissors and some imagination. i think they turned out okay. and better yet, they serve the purpose of not feeling the itchy wood on your bum and legs + the paint wont get on your clothes.
crunchy chicken has this 'no buying' challenge for the month of august. i signed up for the challenge, however failed horribly over the last week! but one of the stipulations of the challenge is that if i had to buy something, it had to be used. guess what? i was surfing one day at work and found these coasters on etsy - the place to buy/sell all things handmade.
so these arent exactly handmade but they are vintage. they must be atleast 30-something years old. loving em!
ten thoughts on whole living
-learn to receive what others have to offer, and you'll enable someone else to give
-becoming aware of your habits is key to an intentional life
-your stuff reflects you. as your needs evolve, find new homes for your old things
-true release comes from sustained relaxation
-worry narrows; gratitude expands. find ways to celebrate all that you have
-redefine your idea of clean; focus on removing dirt, not adding chemicals
-there's more than one path to long-term health
-pay close attention to pain; your body makes its needs very clear
-savor your alone time. its restorative power can help you thrive in unexpected ways
-vital change cant be forced. it begins with embracing where you are right now
the september issue of body + soul has an article about gratitude and its effects on the giver and receiver and just having gratitude. one of its recommendations is to have a gratitude post-it wall. every time you are thankful or have gratitude about something you are to write it down on a post-it and place it in a place where you'll see it often. for me that would be right above my computer at work. by the end of day monday, i hope to have atleast one post-it up!
tonight it has been one full week with no air conditioning. the weather has been perfect! last thursday night i turned the a/c off, opened the windows and have been waking up each morning smelling the new day since. great feeling! what's even better is that it appears with a forecast like this, the a/c will be remaining in the off state for a bit longer.
if you are living in the area or have weather like this ... turn off the a/c, let the fresh air in!
i broke down and rejoined Typepad. i had too ... it was starting to annoy me that i was finding all this great stuff and nowhere to share it!