For Christmas, my father and step-mother gave me this scrapbook/pregnancy journal. I do scrapbook, but havent done so in a long time. After going through the book, I was excited to complete this journal. I wanted to document this special time in my life. This has been an amazing journey. I am SO thankful that I have been given this opportunity. I had very little faith before I was pregnant, and sitting here today 32 weeks pregnant, in the home stretch, I do know that the Big Man wanted this for me. Thank you Big Man! Thank you!
So the scrapbook fever has caught on again. I spent Saturday afternoon with my sister-in-law at Archivers, working on this book, while she worked on her project. I havent given too much thought about creating a scrapbook for the bean, but I am sure I will.
*my first ultrasound to confirm pregnancy, 5 weeks
*need to finish this page, 20 week ultrasound
Gearing up for the arrival of Baby M. I am now super excited about it. I cannot wait. These next 9 weeks are going to be the longest of my life. (though I am sure they will fly by as I still have so much to do!)
My mother and I have both been busy washing and folding the clothes. All the furniture is in place. Just need a few last details to the room and its done!
This week my brother Andrew is helping me out tremendously with some painting. Adding a fresh coat of paint to the first floor. Its LLLOOONNGGG overdue. Like 8 years long. It'll be beautiful when its done! Thank you Andrew!
**Mom couldnt resist buying the hat!
We went to lunch today to celebrate my sister-in-law Kelly's birthday. This was one of the firsts for the boys, though they've been out when they were younger, but not at this active age. Let me just say, they did GREAT!
I didnt get a picture of Charlie, we were just so busy talking about how well they were behaving. This picture above is Tyler 'double-fisting'.
So tomorrow, Sunday, is Kelly's official birthday. I hope she has an awesome day. She deserves it. She does an awesome job mothering the twinkies and is so easy to get along with, so down to earth. (Plus she gets an extra ten points for living with my brother!)
I am very lucky to have an awesome sister-in-law. Happy Birthday Kelly!