I have a rather extensive blogroll (n., a list of blogs that have been bookmarked to be read frequently). I frequent most of them every day, all of them weekly. They provide inspiration to me. Many of my ideas are sparked from this list of blogs. Including this new one. Each blog I read always has some kind of post about where to get 'free' stuff. In this sense, the word 'free' is used for downloadable items only. No mail-in rebates, no going to the store with a coupon and walking out with a box of something.
See? Inspired and loaded with a new idea! Why not share with my readers what I find 'free' per chance they need/want it too? And that snowballed into another idea! Why not have a weekly post of 'free' items? Not only will people be able to indulge in something they might/might not but want need, but it will be free and that equates Guilt. Free. Spending.
My first item?
Many of the items that I dont budget for, are usually the items that cost me the most when I need them. I never keep envelopes or note cards of any kind around. And when I need them, I am shelling out more than I should had I planned better. This just adds annoyance to the whole situation and makes the experience a wee bit negative for me. A couple of weeks ago I was surfing many of the blogs in my blogroll and came across a website for free downloadable invitation templates. Knowing I have an event coming up that will require invites, I browsed this website and actually FOUND a template that I can use.
Here's a sample of the invitation template I have downloaded and will be using in the near future. (mind the data in the invite is not accurate!)
Invitation Template: Square Polka Dots
Most of these templates are 'wedding' inspired, but once you download and open in Microsoft Word, you can edit to your desire.
Check back next Wednesday for more ideas!
Edit: Be sure to use good quality scrapbooking cardstock when printing the invitations.