Dear Max -
Today you are finishing up the first week of your third month. Time is going by so fast. I've gone back to work, leaving you in the hands of Grandma during the day. It was a bit of a transition for us. I could tell that you were happy to see me at the end of the day. At home, you only want to be held and snuggle. We have to do this for about twenty minutes before I can do anything else (make bottles, lunch, laundry, etc). This is my favorite part of my day.
You had your first set of vaccinations. You did not like them. At. All. You screamed, then held your breath. It took two nurses and your grandmother to encourage you to breathe. You, I can safely say, inherited this from me. That evening you cried for an hour straight. You did not feel well, and only wanted to be held. You and I napped in the rocker.
You are smiling, smiling, smiling! Its so spontaneous. You just smile. From ear to ear. I love it. I want to hug and kiss you each time you smile.
You've decided to become very verbal. Just the other night, you had spit up in bed, and when I picked you up to change your pyjamas, as you laid on the changing table, you had quite a bit to say to me. And loudly! I'd imagine it was something like this. 'Its about time Mom! I've been laying here in stinky formula vomit! GROSS! Geez!'
You can lift your head and your chest off the floor when doing tummy time. You get so excited when you do so, your arms give out and you fall back to the floor!
Your visual / hearing connection is stronger. You can see me, hear me and when you do you turn your head. You follow me all around.
You are getting the hang of keeping things in your hands. You can hold a rattle and bring it to your mouth.
You went swimming for the first time. You were a bit skeptical. By the third time, you were very comfortable, throwing your head back and feet up to float.
You rolled over! It was more like you had a serious case of the leans when doing a push up and you were working so hard to keep it up. You kept leaning, and leaning and whoop! over you went. You had no idea what happened. You got to witness me doing the happy dance!
I am SO glad you are here. I am SO blessed to have YOU.
I love you Max.
Love, Mom