1. mummy, 2. Untitled, 3. Halloween Decorations, 4. Halloween Greetings!, 5. Follow Us...If You Dare, 6. Halloween, 7. Merry Halloween, 8. Autumn in Lafayette Cemetery (New Orleans), 9. Rising Full Moon...(Spook-tacular 27/31), 10. halloween treats, 11. Halloween Ghost., 12. bokeh pumpkins, 13. Potion Ingredients Label, 14. spook-keh, 15. Halloween Chase | Persecución, 16. Extreme Primitive Halloween Cat Doll
For the longest time I thought I would be a Mac user, seeing it has so many applications that lean towards the creative. Each time I have had to purchase a computer, I've walked into the Apple store armed and ready to fork over more than enough money. Yet on two seperate occasions I have walked out frustrated because I just dont get along with the Mac computers. Or their operating systems. However, I do get along with their Photobooth application. And I found one for us Windows users! Online and free, no less!
Check out Cameroid. Only requirement, you need a webcam. Simple.
So you get to take shots like this:
I did not close my eyes on purpose! But its too funny not to share!
You can add frames, effects, or just plain ol' pictures. Dont be alarmed if you see these pop-up regularly around here. I've always wanted to do something like this, being able to capture life as-is, in the moment.
So here I am, in bed, doing the nightly ritual of blog roll reading.
If you try this yourself, Cameroid, send me a copy of your picture, and I will post it here on the blog. Make it as goofy or as serious as you'd like! Cant wait to see it!
Someone, you know who, had taken a first class trip to Cranky Town today. He didnt want to be on the floor, or in the exersaucer, or in the swing, or in the crib, or on his playmat, just in my arms. After about 2 hours too much of Sprout TV, I decided it was time to get some fresh air. He needed it, I needed it. Probably not the smartest thing to do when he is sick, but man, it did a 5 1/2 month old's attitude good!
We originally had plans to go to the Naperville Halloween Happening with some friends, but that fell through when Max turned up sick, and friends came down with colds. As I was getting the stroller out to go for a walk, I decided to go and check it out anyway. Plus all the people there would be a good distraction from Cranky Town.
I had thought to put Max in his Halloween costume but it was on the warmer side when we left and thought he would get hot ... and kick up the Cranky a notch or two. So we left it at home. As we walked through the place seeing all the kids and their costumes, I wished I had brought it! Though we did try it on at home ... (he wasnt very cooperative!)
The event was okay, lots of kids and lines to play games, bouncy houses or slides. Would I go next year? Probably not ... what is more boring than waiting in line? with a kid? Most of the games were geared towards 3 yrs and up. But it was cool to check it out and seemed to do the trick for Max's attitude adjustment!
Its such a nice feeling when I receive pictures of Max at daycare participating in the activities, baby yoga, hanging with the boys (with the exception of 2 girls, his class is all boys, ie, the Man Cave or Frat House). Its a nice validation to know that he is happy while there.
Its also nice to know that the daycare does take development very seriously. I am lucky that they think to share pictures of Max achieving milestones like rolling over, sitting up, sitting at the lunch table with everyone, etc.
Though when I receive calls from them saying that Max is sick or hasnt been himself, I start to worry and feel guilty that I am not there to soothe him. I start to think if I was a stay-at-home mom, he wouldnt have this. Thankfully in the three months that Max has been attending daycare, this has only happened twice, one being yesterday.
We spent another Friday night at the immediate care because when I called the doctor with Max's symptoms, he wanted a chest xray. Upon initial exam of Max, the doctor noticed he was short of breath so she ordered a breathing treatment. Then the chest xray, then some medicine. Then another breathing treatment.
Max was a trooper, not a single complaint. I, on the other hand, cried the entire time.
When the entire Frat House has runny noses, I should expect this. Except I didnt expect all the treatments. And the three medicines and breathing treatment contraption I was sent home with. The boy is only 5 1/2 months old! I started to think, 'What kind of mother am I?' and 'What mother in her right mind would subject her child to that (that = Frat House)?'
I suspect this too shall pass, his illness. Not so sure about the guilt.
Taken tonight. I could not not capture the chapped face from all the saliva.
Looking at this picture, seeing him smile, makes me SO happy. I am still pinching myself he is mine. All. Mine. Today he was a little cranky, sensing the starting of seperation anxiety. Plus he slept all of ... get this ... 35 MINUTES at school. Homeboy was in bed at 6:30p tonight.
I love you Maxwell.
Some more pictures from our weekend in Navarre. I had purchased a Polaroid Instant camera prior to our visit. I love the business card sized pictures and the colors it captures are awesome! Definitely worth the money!
These pictures were taken at the private beach in Sharon's subdivision. I love it there.
Max and I went to visit my sister Sharon in Navarre, Florida. Here are some shots from the weekend.
(the one picture I should have taken, never thought to do since I was so nervous .... he + i on the plane)
*the best fish sandwich I've had in a long time!
*the view from sharon's front porch
This week I have been able to see some people that I worked with overseas, well actually, on the other side of the globe. When I was traveling for work, I met ALL sorts of people. Some were awesome, some were nice, some were people I just worked with. I am ever so grateful to have had the opportunity to travel to such places.
Here's Rachel. A Brit who resides in Singapore. One of the nicest and classy ladies you'll ever meet. I am so glad we had the chance to catch up over dinner, and she got to spend time with Max.
Then there is this gang. When I went to Australia for work back in 2007, my life was going through a transition. It was out with the bad, in with the good. These people are the good. They will hold a special place in my heart forever. When I heard Spencer + Kerry were coming for a visit, I was very excited to see them. I can so be myself with them, and they too, and we just have a great time.
*missing, John Patterson.
In order from left to right, Kerry, Spencer, Jenny, Max, Ben, Bob and me. There were several pictures taken and this is the best one I have. Sorry Bob!
I hope someday I'll see Spencer + Kerry again. I know I'll talk to them on a regular basis, as we work together on things. Having these friendships with the group from Australia and Rachel from Singapore, makes me feel like a well rounded person. And to know that if I were ever to have an opportunity to travel to these places again, I would have friends to catch up with. How cool is that?
Fall is my favorite season. Thankfully its the favorite of many others as well. Some of my blog roll lately has been focusing on the season, one of them in fact posted the picture of the handmade and dyed coffee coasters. Dont you just love them? And want to make a set for yourself?
1. marigold , 4. Autumnal Felt Leaf Garland by Cherry Menlove
I seriously want to felt something this weekend. But instead, I'll be traveling south to see my sister Sharon. My first vacation in almost two years. I am excited and nervous all at the same time. I just pulled out my suitcase and filled it with all of Max's stuff. There is no room for my stuff. I am about 300% positive I am over packing for Max. But the one thing I decide not to bring will be the one thing I will need the minute I step foot in the airport.
Maybe Sharon will be up for a little crafting this weekend???
What is your Fall inspiration?
(at the request of a fellow chicagoland blogger, justem)
These are the cups I spoke about in this post. One of them actually used to belong to my grandmother. Since writing that post, and having some positive feedback about it, I've pulled these puppies off the top shelf, and actually started using them. They've been sitting up there for a special occasion, waiting. Why not use them now? For everyday coffee and tea consumption?
And here's their home, wouldnt a certain aqua colored vintage stacking mug look right at home in here??
A girl can dream, and obsessively search Etsy + eBay for those puppies!
Dear Max,
Today you are five months old. I cannot believe it. You are turning more and more into a little boy right before my eyes. No longer are you the wee little babe that would snuggle right up under my chin and sleep for hours. Now you encompass my entire upper body and you move, boy do you move. Move EVERYWHERE!
You roll over from your stomach to your back atleast three times a night. You are wide awake then. So I flip you back each time, and you fall back asleep.
Your grasping for objects is getting better by the day. You have good control of your hands and know how to grasp for the item, and bring it to your mouth.
You are teething, though there is no sign of a tooth yet. But the amount of saliva that POURS out of your mouth throughout the day is amazing. There have been a couple of occasions where I've had to change your clothes because you were soaked!
You are starting to hold the bottle yourself when feeding.
You are eating more solids. Bananas and cereal are your absolute favorites. Today, we tried pears, another hit. You might be just like your mommy - all fruit, no veggies.
You've been digging your heels into the floor and pushing yourself up. If I am not quick enough you'll wiggle yourself across the room!
You are practically sitting up by yourself. You still require support, but when on the couch, chair or someone's lap, you sit straight up. No wobblies either! Good job!
You are constantly looking at me and smiling. We received the nicest compliment at the urgent care tonight (yes, sick again!). A stranger came up to us, and in her sweet voice, said 'You two look so happy together. Your smiles are so genuine.' I started to cry and said, 'Thank you' to the sweet stranger.
You've been baptized in the Catholic church. You now have a faith.
With each new day, I wake in the mornings so excited to see you. I cant wait to pick you up from the crib and hold you in my arms for a sweet moment together. We seem to have a routine/ritual for when its time to get out of the crib. You babble for about 10 mins, then you raise your voice. I enter the room, you see me and get excited, smile and shake your legs. I say, 'Hello! Sweet boy! How are you? Did you have good sleeps?' You smile again at me. I scoop you up and hug you. You squeal. Oh how that makes my heart swoon with happiness.
I am enjoying our bond probably just as much as you are. This is awesome.
I love you Max.
Love, Mom
A montage of our photo shoot: