(new periodic series of documenting the 'right now', capturing life, all inspired by Soule Mama.)
Right now, I am ...
::watching Max sleep (ok, not right this minute, but he has a cold and I've been checking on him).
::loving chai tea and all its spicey goodness.
::wanting to walk through my house with the garbage can to rid of any clutter. feeling very 'messy' with all my little piles everywhere.
::looking at the enormous pile of laundry that needs to be folded.
::heading to bed soon (have been oversleeping in the mornings, need to go to bed earlier).
::praying for Japan, and all those families to be reconnected, safely.
::waiting for a package with some new make-up. new season = new make-up.
::enjoying my nighttime routine with Max. playing chase, watching him stand in front of the humdifier blowing air in his face, crawling all around in his diaper, so happy.
::surprising myself at being able to do this Mom thing.
::feeling grateful for my day today. should never take a day for granted.
Its been a slow couple of weeks here. I dont have too much to say or report. I just read a fellow bloggers blog tonight and I havent read her blog in a couple of weeks. She had posted that she didnt have too much to say either as of late. So I guess its not just me.
I do know that there will be some changes coming up soon. I'll be traveling to Hungary for work next week. I will be gone from Max for 10 days. TEN DAYS!! I cried with the travel invoice had shown up on my desk at work. (I can do it. I can do it. I can do it.)
Another fellow single-mom blogger tagged in me in a questionaire. I feel so bad for not having gotten to this sooner. Though I am finding, rather quickly, that my time on the computer, reading, watching tv, has shrunk to 3 minute intervals. When I log on, I have three minutes to surf, read the important stuff before I have to pull Max off the stairs. Or remove him from the bathroom, and replace the toilet paper roll, and throw away the entire roll of paper that is on the floor.
Tonight after putting him to bed, making bottles and lunches and picking up, I found I had a few minutes of free time. Here's for you Hopeful Single Momma!
1. If you have pets, do you see them as merely animals or are they members of your family?
I do not have any pets, though I grew up with dogs. I just never connected with them, though I think they are cute and fun.
2. If you could have a dream come true, what would it be?
I’ve experienced this already when Max was born. If I am lucky enough to have another dream come true … it would be another child. And if I am even more lucky, meeting the guy.
3. What would you do with a billion dollars?
Pay off bills for me, save for college for Max and sibling. Take a vacation. Buy a new house … do the same for the family.
4. What helps to pull you out of a bad mood?
Max’s smile and hugs.
5. What is your bedtime routine?
Put Max to bed, make lunches, bottles, arrange outfits for the next day, wash my face, brush teeth, moisturize, climb into bed, open book, read one sentence ….
6. If you are currently in a relationship, how did you meet your significant other? If you aren’t, what have you tried in the past few years to meet someone?
Oh god … the line from Sex and the City, where Charlottte exclaims, ‘Ive been dating since I was 15, where is he?’…just sums me up rather nicely.
7. What kind of books do you read?
Mostly chick-lit, memoirs, light-hearted stories … life is already a drag sometimes, I don’t want to read about it when I am trying to escape.
8. How do you see yourself in 10 years?
Healthy, happy, and living the dream. (ditto)
9. What’s your fear?
Running out of time to achieve all my life dreams.
10. Would you give up all junk food for the rest of your life for the opportunity to see outer space?
No, I am good with staying here on earth.
11. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?
Remember what day it is…
12. If you could change one thing about your significant other, what would it be? Or, if you’re single - if you could choose a significant other who looked like anyone in the world, who would it be?
Paul Rudd.
13. If you could pick a new name for yourself, what would it be?
In high school French I went with Babette for my French name … no one else in the class had chosen it. I love it still to this day.
14. If you had to choose between six months of sun or six months of rain, what would you choose?
Sun…I love the feel of it beaming into my house, on my skin, and the cheeriness it brings to the everyday.
15. If you could only eat one thing for the next 6 months, what would it be?
Healthy: Yogurt with homemade peanut butter/flax granola with spiced chai tea latte. Not Healthy: Crunchy Cheetos with Coke.
16. What is the thing you enjoy about blogging the most?
It’s a medium that I found the easiest and fits very well into my life for journaling my life and life with Max. Plus it allows me to connect with others that I normally would not have had an opportunity to do so.
17. Do you prefer salty or sweet foods?
Sweet … though sometimes the craving for salty comes on like I am detoxing.
18. What items are in your purse right now?
(hopeful says she has 3 lipglosses….) one small make-up case with 5 lipsticks/glosses/stains,etc. Wallet, sunglasses, phone, camera, coffee cozy.
19. If you had to choose between vacationing at the beach or in the mountains where would you go?
Beach. Feels like home when I am there.
20. What do you watch on television that you know you shouldn’t?
QVC… I know.
Inspired by SouleMama's weekly series, {this moment}. A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.
We have just a bit of Irish in us. Its probably shrinking with each generation. However, we still have it and we certainly celebrate! Time to teach Max about corned beef, and when he is older, green beer! (just kidding!)
An Irish blessing from us to you:
May you have:
A world of wishes at your command
God and his angels close at hand
Friends and family their love impart,
And Irish blessings in you heart.
Inspired by SouleMama's weekly series, {this moment}. A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.
Dear Max,
This week you moved in to your tenth month of life. I've been thinking back, realizing that the itty bitty baby is long gone, along with it size 1 diapers (so small!), itty bitty clothes and your peaceful personality. You are now an independent little boy, who has tantrums and loves to smile and talk!
You've been mastering the crawling, and have two speeds - slow and fast. Watch out when you are fast! You really move!
You have learned to pull yourself up to a standing position. You are branching out while standing to holding the table, chair, etc., with one hand, and the other hand you hold up in the air, as if you are saying 'look Ma!'.
You are now traveling when standing. You'll move along the couch or table.
You LOVE the dishwasher, especially when I have it opened while doing the dishes. You love playing with the door, and moving the bottom rack in and out of the washer.
We are introducing adult, table, non-baby foods to you. Some you like, some you are unsure about and some you just flat do not like. Likes: yogurt, applesauce, mashed sweet potatoes, ritz crackers, cinnamon bread. So-so: nutrigrain bars, pancakes, mandarin oranges. Dislikes: cottage cheese, pasta, whole peas.
We have a night time ritual - take off clothes from the day, change diaper, chase each other between bedrooms, read a book in your room, fight to put your pyjamas on. You enjoy your time naked.
You now have six teeth, four on top, two on bottom. We can see teeth when you smile.
With all the crawling and moving and learning you are doing, you practically change each day. This stage right now is a lot of fun because you are very interactive and social, even when you are having a tantrum or a disagreement (where you throw yourself backwards). I dont want you to grow up too fast, but I cant help but be excited for you and your independence.
I love you Max.
Love, Mom
ten months from Melissa Mensavage on Vimeo.
Inspired by SouleMama's weekly series, {this moment}. A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.
**what a blurry mess, but I couldnt let this moment go. I love this kid more than I ever imagined.
This past weekend was a bit crazy for all of us. One of the twinkies was in the hospital for what turned out to be a very bad sinus infection. The other twinkie stayed at Grandma's for the weekend. Max and I's sleeping schedule was off, and 3:30am was a perfect time to get up for the day, which eluded to nap times being off and one overtired mommy.
Though on Sunday, Max and I met Grandma at church and then headed over to the house to hang with Charlie. It just didnt feel right without Tyler there, and he wanting to play with Max. I didnt think to do this on Sunday, so Thank You Picnik!
*sorry Kelly, this is the best I could get!
And this game of chase would have been ten times better if Tyler was here. In other words, we were constantly thinking and talking about Tyler. Hopefully soon, when he is feeling better, he can come over for a game of chase.
chase from Melissa Mensavage on Vimeo.