I've never had a professional picture taken of the boys. So when I received picture frames for a Mother's Day gift, for the living room, I decided to call on a friend because the thought of getting a decent picture to hang on the wall made me want to puke.
Luckily for me, my sister-in-law's brother Brian has a huge interest in photography and recently started to promote himself professionally. I sent him a note on Facebook, we chatted on the phone a couple of times and this is the outcome of our visit.

He showed me a couple of shots on the camera, and I was in awe. One of them completely took my breath away and I had to fight back the tears.
Luckily for me, my sister-in-law's brother Brian has a huge interest in photography and recently started to promote himself professionally. I sent him a note on Facebook, we chatted on the phone a couple of times and this is the outcome of our visit.

I was nervous about the shoot. I think he was nervous too, having to deal with kids - one of the most unpredictable things on the planet. We just went with the flow.
He showed me a couple of shots on the camera, and I was in awe. One of them completely took my breath away and I had to fight back the tears.
Brian is amazingly talented. I mean look at what he captured thru his lens...look at what he saw...look at how he was able to press the button at the perfect moments. These are fleeting moments in time that I am doing my oh so best to ingrain into my head so I dont forget them, and he captured them. Brian knows us, we know him, but in some ways we are still strangers. And this is what he sees. Amazing. Simply amazing.
Thank you Brian. Thank you SO much.