one of my favorite past-times is to browse Barnes and Noble or Borders for a couple of hours, then get a drink, then go back to browsing. my browsing consists of reading every book jacket of practically every book they have on the tables as you enter the store. usually i end up leaving with a purchase or two.
i always forget that i can do the same at my local library. (except for the drink) and i can leave the library with a rental or two or three at no cost to me! that's right, no money coming out of the wallet.
so this is exactly what i did last sunday. i went to the romeoville library and walked each isle, looking at all the books. i left with three books. me being cheap = a cost savings of $50 (and probably more since i would have used my credit card, therefore would pay interest on those three books, which in the end would probably cost something crazy like $532)
(as i type this i realized my tax dollars are going to the library, so technically its not free. i better make use of the library to get my moneys worth!)