I have said before that my faith needs a little assistance. Its not the greatest. Last week I stumbled upon a woman's blog, who for the life of me cannot remember!, who is a Christian. Not sure if its reformed, born-again, etc...please forgive me, I am catholic. All we know is catholic. ;o)
In reading this woman's blog, she closed out every post with what she was thankful for. Thankful for her husband, her daughter, her parents, family, friends, events (children coming over to play, holidays,etc). I was very intrigued. I learned it was part of the religion, this thankfulness and how everything is a blessing.
I did a little soul searching over the weekend about my faith. I started at the bare bottom. What do I believe in? Do I believe in God? Yes.
Do I believe God is the creator of all things? Mostly, yes. Modern day medicine, no, not directly. However, he did create the avenue for people to become doctors to learn medicine and make strides for curing and preventing diseases.
Do I believe there is a heaven? Yes.
With those three basic questions answered, I realized my faith is stronger than I claimed or believed it to be. As I raked the yard yesterday, I thought He made this...grass. He made trees, and their dead leaves. He made flowers. Worms. Ants. I could go on. I found myself starting to say 'thank you'. Thank you for everything in my yard. It was a weird feeling for me because since I lack faith, I felt funny talking about it, recognizing it.
I wont become one of those people who talk/brag/recruit religion all the time, as I believe that is disrespectful to the other person and their beliefs. However, I will talk about it amongst myself and here, but I believe it will be in forms of being thankful, recognizing God and his work in my life.
Perfect example. I came home today from work, walked in the house, put away my luch bag and I looked out the window over the sink and saw that my backyard grass was cut. I didnt do it. I know no one in my family did it. Someone who cut the neighbors yard made a mistake and cut mine. But maybe it wasnt a mistake? Maybe this was God's plan to give me a break this week in the lawn maintenance. (since I probably wouldnt have cut the grass until Friday when its suppose to stop raining and by then it'll be as tall as my house!)
Thank you for cutting my grass.