I havent been posting much lately because I am in a work rut. Working way too much, which leaves little time and energy for me to do the things I love. This makes for an unhappy Melissa.
Though during this rut, I've been researching alternative incomes. More and more people I know are quitting their full-time corporate careers to do something that is not considered the 'norm'. One person I know quit her full-time corporate communications job to sell Mary Kay. Another person I know of quit her full-time day job to become a full-time blogger and freelancer. Then there is dooce. She started her blog as a way to vent her work frustrations. Now its the most read personal website on the internet. She has enough income from her advertising (and books) that she was able to 'retire her husband' (as they say in Mary Kay).
Why cant we all do this, quit our jobs and do something that motivates us, is our passion or brings us total and complete joy? Why are these people who are able to do such a thing so few and far between??
I believed when I graduated from college that I had to get a job in the field my major was - Speech Pathology - and I had to have a 9 to 5 job with benefits. I ended up in software testing and am really not liking this 9 to 5 Monday - Friday business.
I want joy. I want happiness. I want financial freedom. I want a paid adveriser on my blog!
I'll settle for joy, happiness and financial freedom.