My friend Rich, whom I adore with all my heart, asked me to attend a wine festival with him on Saturday at the Chicago Botanical gardens. When we talked about it, we were both all about the 'taking pictures of the flowers and blooms' part. We were slightly interested in the wine part.
When Saturday arrived, we were more interested in the wine part, because it was cold and rainy. Who wants to take pictures of flowers in the rain? Especially when it was cold out? Most of the blooms were probably closed off and sucked inside the plant. I dont blame them!
The highlight of the day? The bird poop on my head. While devouring a mini cheeseburger from Morton's steakhouse, a bird flew over and opened up on my head. All I could say to Rich was 'Look!' pointing to my head, and 'Get it out!'.
(if you look closely, you'll see a white space/mark on my head, yeah, that's the bird poop)
And we were introduced to Kim Massie. Man, does this woman have a voice. Oo. La. La.