Each year I usually do my best to give to someone who needs it more than my family or I do. This year at work, the Giving Trees were for the local organization called Little Friends. They work with mentally challenged adults. When I saw that this was our organization I immediately grabbed two cards. I have a special place in my heart for those individuals who have Downs Syndrome or other mental challenges. I wish I had the ability to not have such high expectations of people, because I believe I could easily work with these individuals. I am sure I would find great reward vs. software end user support (current day job).
But my perfectionism and lack of patience get the better of me therefore I find myself in a position that allows me to have the money to give to others. I guess its the next best thing!
What amazes me the most about these people, is that their wants and desires are so simple. These two cards, one for a 54 year old man and one for a 70 year old man, are for gift cards to Subway, Burger King, Walgreens and Walmart. Are you kidding? No Xbox. No WII systems. Just simple necessities. So tonight on the way home from work, I stopped at these places and got them exactly what they asked for. I sure hope they are surprised and happy on Christmas!
I was tired tonight and not in the mood to run a bunch of errands, though as I ran from store to store, annoyed with the cold weather air, I reminded myself of the definition of Christmas and giving. Thank you Little Friends for this opportunity to do something good.
My father, Ken, is having knee replacement surgery today. Its long overdue. I am very optomistic the surgery will be a success. He is a very active person and with the new knee, it'll get him back in the game. Here's to your speedy recovery Dad!