February's theme - Love.
February's inspiration - red, pink and all their hues.
In my last minute dash to make sure Valentine's Day was a success, I spent the weekend before crafting. One craft, valentine's for teachers, friends and family included a picture of Max. Getting the picture was unpredictable as usual. But with all the outtakes, I cannot help but fall in love once again with this little boy.
Inspired by SouleMama's weekly series, {this moment}. A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.
Its funny how what used to take no time at all to craft simple things like those above, now takes eight plus hours. I guess that is what happens when you have to keep one eye and both hands on a crawling little boy. Though there are no complaints.
I saw this idea on Martha Stewart. I am pleased with the final product.
We wish everyone a very Happy Valentine's Day!
It's Valentine's Day, and this is the first year in many that I actually feel like celebrating. I now have to buy kiddie valentine's and cupcakes and treats for our valentines.
I have quite the list of things to do to make Valentine's Day, and I started with this, Valentine's Day stained glass hearts. Have some crayons and wax paper? You too can do this.
**unwrap the crayons, shred using a cheese grater.
**spread the crayon over wax paper, iron.
**trace + cut-out various shaped hearts (used these templates).
**hang from the valance rod over kitchen window (havent found/decided on a valance).
Dear Max,
You are well into your ninth month now, and when I say so much has changed, I literally mean you went from a stationary content baby to a on-the-move-HAPPY-crawler in just a few short weeks. I look at you lately and wonder where the itty bitty snuggly baby went. I feel nostalgic for those days nine short months ago. But then I look at you again and can feel nothing but excitement for you to be accomplishing major milestones. Go Max!
You started crawling on January 15th, a Saturday afternoon. Completely took me by surprise, you just got up and went. Like you had been doing it for months.
You are now pulling yourself up to a standing position every chance you can get. Your Uncle Andrew came over to lower the mattress in the crib after finding you standing at 2:30 in the morning. You are still working on figuring out how to get back to a sitting position from standing.
You are starting to eat more solid foods, slowly moving away from baby food. You'll eat yogurt, scrambled eggs, ritz crackers, pasta shells, banana. If I give you some of my dinner while feeding you, you will not finish the baby food, you just want to eat what I am eating.
Our bedtime routine is changing. We no longer snuggle until you fall asleep. We've been working on putting you in the crib after a few minutes in the rocking chair. You dont particularly like this. We've also moved to the floor for changing into your pyjama's. You have expressed your desire to crawl around in your birthday suit.
The seperation anxiety had started to appear around seven months, but now it seems to be prominent, especially with those you dont know.
You love your school teachers. Just the other morning when I dropped you off, you saw your teacher, Miss Brandy, and you crawled straight for her.
You experienced your first blizzard. When I was finally able to dig ourselves out of the snow sinkhole, I brought you outside to take your picture. You really had no interest in the snow.
You can basically feed yourself now. If I put food on your high chair tray, you know how to pick it up with your finger and thumb.
When you want my attention or want me to pick you up, you'll crawl over to me and head butt my legs. Its quite cute.
I am not a big fan of this sleep training thing, or our changing bedtime routine, and it kills me to hear you cry like you do. I just want to go into the room and scoop you up and snuggle with you. You are growing up and the snuggle time is almost over. I will cherish that precious time we had. However, I love the look on your face when you see me when I come to get you out of the crib. You squeal and smile from ear to ear. My heart surely does the same each time I see you.
I love you Max.
Love, Mom
Nine Months. from Melissa Mensavage on Vimeo.
Some pictures from today, 24 hours after the start of the worst winter storm I've seen as an adult.
*backyard; fence is completely covered under a four foot snow drift.
*view out the front window; snow drift.
*front porch; snow drift is taller than me (5 ft, 3 in). if you notice the cars, it looks as if they are sinking.
*just opened the garage door;
*looking around the corner to the front yard, and walk;
*three hours later, entire front yard is under five feet of snow.
*while shoveling I recalled the snowstorms of my youth and the excitement I felt for playing in the snow.
*baby's first blizzard.
*as you can see, he's overcome with excitement. (or its the velcro on the hood thats bothering him!)
*he started to become interested.
*still not sure what to think, but did express he was done with this exercise of amusing mom.