Valentine's Day, a craft.

By whattheharry - 10:08 AM

It's Valentine's Day, and this is the first year in many that I actually feel like celebrating.  I now have to buy kiddie valentine's and cupcakes and treats for our valentines.   

I have quite the list of things to do to make Valentine's Day, and I started with this, Valentine's Day stained glass hearts.  Have some crayons and wax paper?  You too can do this. 

Steps 1 2 3**unwrap the crayons, shred using a cheese grater.

Steps 4**spread the crayon over wax paper, iron.

Steps5 6**trace + cut-out various shaped hearts (used these templates).

Finale**hang from the valance rod over kitchen window (havent found/decided on a valance). 

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  1. This is awesome!! I've often wondered how people make hearts like this! I'm saving this post for next year!

  2. They hearts came out so well!! Definitely a bright, warm spot while looking out the window at the cold snow :)
    I will definitely be referencing this post next year - and all your other craft posts! (since I have not one crafty bone in my body...)
