'Tis the season for sandals! Every year I cannot wait for spring to start the search for the must-have sandal. This year is no different. Well, there is one difference. The shoe budget now has to be shared. Which means, bye-bye expensive designer shoes.
Which means I can only dream of owning these beauties (found here).
Which means I actually own these beauties (found here)
I've joined the ranks of having a 'favorites' site. I tried a tumblr but couldnt figure it out. More and more people are using Pinterest. So I took a gander a couple of days ago, and am hooked. Tonight I just finally figured out how to use it.
What I love about this, is that instead of clogging up my Favorites folder with ideas and wants, I can use this website to organize things I want for the home, crafts or decorating I'd like to do or simply things that make me smile.
The above picture is a tag because I like the paint color. This summer I'll be saying good-bye to the orange wall in my living room. I'll also be making an attempt to slipcover my couch and settee. We'll see what really happens! For right now though, I am organizing my inspiration.
Lately I've been wondering what kind of mother am I. Each person is unique and different and no two parenting styles are alike, but I am trying to figure out mine. Not sure why I need to go through this exercise, or even put a label on it.
I know I want to be the type of mom that encourages her children to try new things. I want them to feel comfortable enough to talk about what is on their mind and know their feelings will not be pacified or belittled. I know it will be super hard for me to let them experience pain and heartache, from bad choices, as I can recall that feeling a little too well.
I want to be the type of mom that instead of putting the groceries away immediately when we get home, that we take a walk, in the drizzling rain. I want to make sure that proper nutrition is provided. I want to have dinner at the dinner table as family.
Though on days like today, I struggle with the tantrums and crankiness. I can see the glares of others in the stores. It drives me crazy that people are passing judgement when they have no idea the circumstances. I need to work on letting go of what other people think. I have no control over it and even if I did, I cant force someone to agree with my parenting style.
I know I am doing the best I can. And from the hugs that Max has learned to give, the milestones he is meeting and exceeding and his laughter and smiles, I know whatever this parenting style is, is working.
Today was Max's official first birthday party. It was a success, though I am spent. Unfortunately, I didnt get too many photos of Max eating cake or singing Happy Birthday. Thankfully my niece Megan brought her camera.
This is the one shot I did get:
One of the things I've always wanted to do was to put together a photo booth at a party I was hosting. I never really had the opportunity until today. Of course this came to me all last minute, and spent most of Saturday scrambling to put it together. I am glad I did it. I loved the finished product.
Since Max's party was 'Sprout Sunshine Barn' and Chica theme, I thought why not 'barn' pictures. So I stapled a plastic table cloth to the garage wall, added some fake chickens, provided a couple of props (hats, extra chicken) and voila!
I am SO thankful everyone was a willing participant. Everyone got to take home their picture in a barn frame made out of cardstock. I think they liked it.
*missing - me + max, Aunt Kelly and cousin Tyler (they were unable to come due to an illness. I think I might have to bring my props to their house when everyone is feeling better and we can take our pictures!).
I think everyone had a good time. A very BIG thank you to my friend Robin for helping today.
The actual day of Max's birth, May 2nd. He was sick with a fever, I was sick with a head cold and it was just an all around 'didnt go as I planned' day. So when Max cried at the new gifts, stared at me funny as I sobbed 'Happy Birthday' and tossed his cupcake on the floor as soon as I put it on the tray, it was time to call it a day on the birthday.
His party is this coming weekend. As much as I want it to happen, as he deserves a birthday party, part of me just wants to move on and hope that his 2nd birthday will be much better.
*not exactly the best photo of me, but i wanted to capture max hiding behind me, afraid of the gifts.
*you can see he is starting to come around, though notice he still has one hand on my arm.
*and after me playing with the aligator for about 5 minutes, he decided it was his turn.
Since Max was sick on Monday, he couldnt go to school. We couldnt celebrate on the actual day. But we made up for it on Friday.
*he actually ate the store bought mini-cupcake, after a little help. i wont take it personally he didnt want my homemade cupcake. he'll learn in time they are MUCH better.
As hard as the first birthday was, I am excited for this next phase. He's been able to communicate with me on his likes and dislikes, though its still babbling, you can tell he is telling me something. I love it. I love him.
Dear Max,
Here we are, one year later. One full year of you and me. I cannot believe we made it! There were a few days during the year I thought I wasnt cut out to be a mother. Though your smile and laugh calmed any fears I had. This has been one of the hardest years of my life, but the most rewarding one of all. I never thought I would experience such happiness. And thanks to you, little boy, I do.
You've transformed from infant to toddler in just a few weeks between eleven and twelve months.
You grew about an inch in the month too.
You now have two words in your vocabularly - I cant believe I am saying this! - mama and ball. I dont know if you know that mama means me, but you only say it when you are upset or tired. You say ball, when you pick up your favorite sensory balls.
You are now an official walker. You took a few steps in the eleventh month, but you started full-on walking on April 25th.
You are fully transitioned to whole milk. It was touch and go there for a while with the transition, but I think you've adjusted just fine. You still get excited for the morning bottle, and you havent tossed it aside when you realize its not formula.
You are a very observant little boy. When in new places, or unfamiliar places, you are very quiet and are looking all around, taking in every detail.
You are close being done with baby food. Though getting you to eat enough table food is still a challenge. Your most recent favorite is Trader Joe's meatless corn dogs. I dont buy corn dogs usually, but we had a sample at the store one day, and you inhaled it!
You are finally allowing me to read to you before you go to bed. Since about six months, you didnt want anything to do with books prior to bed. Just this week, I've been able to hold you in my lap, while you drink your last bottle, and I can read a few books to you.
I would say that is my favorite time of day with you, bedtime, but any time of day is my favorite time of day with you. I am so blessed to be your mother. I prayed for many many years for you, and I couldnt understand why it was taking so long. When they say good things happen to those who wait, they surely mean it. You, Max, are definitely a good thing.
I love you so much! Happy Birthday!
Love, Mom