Photo booth.

By whattheharry - 3:02 PM

Today was Max's official first birthday party.  It was a success, though I am spent.  Unfortunately, I didnt get too many photos of Max eating cake or singing Happy Birthday.  Thankfully my niece Megan brought her camera. 

This is the one shot I did get:

One of the things I've always wanted to do was to put together a photo booth at a party I was hosting.  I never really had the opportunity until today.  Of course this came to me all last minute, and spent most of Saturday scrambling to put it together.  I am glad I did it.  I loved the finished product. 

Since Max's party was 'Sprout Sunshine Barn' and Chica theme, I thought why not 'barn' pictures.  So I stapled a plastic table cloth to the garage wall, added some fake chickens, provided a couple of props (hats, extra chicken) and voila!  

Barn booth 1

Barn booth 3

Barn booth 2

I am SO thankful everyone was a willing participant.  Everyone got to take home their picture in a barn frame made out of cardstock.  I think they liked it. 

*missing - me + max, Aunt Kelly and cousin Tyler (they were unable to come due to an illness.  I think I might have to bring my props to their house when everyone is feeling better and we can take our pictures!). 

I think everyone had a good time.  A very BIG thank you to my friend Robin for helping today. 

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  1. OMG! What a great idea! I want a copy of the one of mom and AL. They are hysterical, esp with the dead chicken hanging upside down on the wall.

  2. The photo booth idea is FABULOUS!! A fun activity and great memories!

  3. I love this idea! I tried to do a similar thing at my 30th birthday party, but it was a giant flop. Yours are fabulous!! Hope Max (and Mom) had a great day!!
