Random Pictures.

By whattheharry - 3:11 PM

I've fallen behind in updating this here ol'blog.  Plus, I am embarrassed to say the amount of pictures I uploaded from my camera tonight.  I've been taking the pictures, just havent thought to stay on top of things.  So now that I want to post something, I am feeling very overwhelmed.  So in essence, you are getting a montage of the last few weeks. 

Starting with - Hello! new crab pool!  Not so much.


Fourth of July.


Horseshoe furniture.




We made progress.  Someone likes the crab pool.


I have added a list of books we are currently reading in our house over to the left.  Its a mix between what I am suppose to be reading (like I really need to sit down and finish that Frank book!) and what Max is displaying to be his favorites.  He has to go to bed with the Sleepy ABC book.  That was a well $3 spent at the Scholastic book club / school thing.  Pages are already ripped and looks as if its a couple of years old when really, its probably six months tops!

We finally made it to the library last weekend.  I am SO glad we went.  Max was engaged in the toys they had available, plus the books.  Oh, the books.  What I do miss though is the old fashioned card catalogs.  I am hoping this becomes a part of our weekend routine. 

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