
By whattheharry - 5:06 AM

(This is the last 'me' post before we get back to regular scheduled programming where its all Max, all the time!) 

I love having my nails painted.  I love the way they look.  I feel pretty when both my finger and toes are painted.  (and any mother knows there are times when you just need to feel pretty and not someone's nose/hands/ass cleaner.)

Though with typing all day and handling a toddler who is into everything, it doesnt make for a good environment to spend the money on regular manicures. 

That was until I found these.  Let. Me. Tell. You.  They are absolutely the bomb! 

Salong effects

I usually chip or scratch or smudge something no sooner the manicurist finishes my nails, and with these I've done just about everything - with the exception of building a house - and there is minimal wear.  I am talking bathing a toddler, chasing down a toddler with food all over him, dishes, laudry, sleeping, bathing myself, getting dressed for the day, tumbling class....and the list can go on! 


You cant really see the color since its a Chamgane-like (Raise A Glass), but you will notice the nails look finished....and pretty.  (mind the fat fingers!)

They are about $8 on sale, which is about half the cost of a manicure.  They take about 10 to 15 minutes to put on, which is about half the time of a manicurist.  And there is NO dry time.  Loving It! 

What do you do to make yourself feel pretty?

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  1. I have never had a successful manicure. I am so ROUGH on my hands and nails--I don't bother going to a salon. BUT I am intrigued by this product and your results. I'll definitely look for this on sale--seems like it would be worth a try!

  2. Lovely! I've been curious to try them, now I'm going to have to!! My vice is lipgloss, lots of lipgloss! :)
