Some of you might recall the Random Thoughts by Jack Handy segments on Saturday Night Live. To me, so stupid, hysterical. So every time when I hear 'Random Thoughts' I immediately think of those.
So here goes:
-Fresh strawberries are SO expensive out-of-season, but every once in a while I'll indulge. -Being a working parent, I literally have 15 to 20 minutes to put dinner on the table. Anything after that and we are having crackers and cheese for dinner.
-Insert my two new favorite cookbooks:
-Both have delivered four pretty decent meals so far. The favorite? Hearty Vegetable Soup in the Fast & Heathly Meals for Kids. Quick, easy, tasty and pretty much inexpensive as well. Loving it!
-Thank you cookbooks, for now you make me feel like I can actually cook and provide a substantial meal to my child.
-I had taken up a hobby many years ago, and I've never really been consistent with it. Usually around the holidays is when I'll find myself engaging again. That hobby is candy making or should I say, confections. Well, today I was finishing up some candy at the request of my mother for a baby shower, and I said to myself, 'I think I found that passion.' You know the one thing you can do all-the-time and not get bored with it. Yep, candy, its my thing.
-Even before the above epiphany, I have wanted to try my hand at Salted Caramels. Dont be surprised if a sample shows up at your door soon. Found a new recipe today that made my mouth water just reading it, and took quite a bit not to eat the paper.
-When Max isnt being his lovely toddler self, he is a pleasant little boy that makes me laugh, and smile so genuinely that makes me savior the moment. Today, though he was being foul, and had a time-out, when I said, 'Okay you can get up now' (it was after like 90 seconds of sitting), he walks over to me on the couch, stares at me and says, 'No!'. Little bugger! Repeating my, 'No kicking. Kicking hurts.'
-And that is it on this fine Saturday evening.