Two Months.

By whattheharry - 1:10 PM

Dear Theo,

Here we are at two months.  Its gone by way too fast.  I am afraid that I am not going to remember these days.  Many things are being put on hold so that I can sit and cherish you in this 'itty bitty' stage.  However, you arent 'itty bitty', you are a big boy!  I love it!

It was right around eight weeks that I started feeling like myself again, Max started displaying more positive behavior towards you and you seemed to be just a little bit more relaxed.  It was like everything has started to fall into place. 

You started to smile at / around five weeks.  At first it was very seldom, but now it comes very naturally and spontaneously.  Its awesome.

You are now eating eight ounces with each feeding, and that doesnt seem to hold you until the next feeding.  I am looking into what we can do to help you stay satisfied.  Maybe cereal will be introduced here shortly.

You weigh 13.5 pounds!  You've gained three pounds in one month! 

You started sleeping through the night at seven weeks.  I cannot tell you how awesome that is!  Way to go!

You are content 'playing' by yourself - or just hanging out on the playmat, checking out the toys and the world around you. 

Your legs and arms are still moving non-stop, in fact, have increased in motion - much faster!

You have discovered your hands - they will be in your mouth from time to time, but mostly out in front of your face. 

You make eye contact, as if you are engaging in conversation - another awesome and Way to go!

You still have your au naturel mohawk.  I have now come to embrace it and love it and will be sad to see it go. 

You still tolerate your brother's 'love'. 

You are just an all around awesome little boy and I cannot express how happy I am that you are here, with us. 

I love you little boy!
here's another one, just because I cant get enough of his smile:

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