Four Months.

By whattheharry - 8:08 PM

Dear Theo,

Here we are at four months, or here you are at four months (technically, four and a half ... we are just a busy family!).  We are definitely in a groove now, with some days here and there where I have no clue what to do other than just basically take one minute at a time.  My favorite part of my day is when we get home work/school, and its you, your brother and I just hanging out.  Well maybe its when I pick you up out of your crib in the mornings and you have a big smile for me. Either way, any time with you is my favorite. 

At four months,
-you are eating now cereal, bananas, sweet potatoes and recently pears and mangoes.  When trying something new you totally gag followed up by a puking session.  Then its back to eating as usual. 

-you are more aware of your surroundings; always looking for Max, or following me around. 

-you can push yourself up to where your chest is off the floor when laying on your tummy.

-you enjoy being in the exersaucer for small periods of time.

-you are grasping and holding items in your hands consistently; and all items make it to the mouth.

-you had special visitors - Grandpa and cousin Ian.

-you weighed in at 16 pounds at your appointment. 

-your hair still is crazy; some days its mohawk, others you are channeling Donald Trump.

-you are starting to show signs of turning over.

-you smile all the time.

I am enjoying you so much lately.  I love that you are so engaging and smile and laugh.  I still worry I dont spend enough time with you, and even your brother, and I do my best to make up for any time lacking on the weekends.  Your brother shows signs of kindness periodically, which just makes my heart swoon.  I cant wait to see your relationship grow. 

I love you so much little boy. 
I had to change up the picture location because I havent been able to get the picture taken during day light hours.  I seriously need to have post-it notes on my forehead. 

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