I havent posted about Max is quite some time it appears. I've been trying to balance the documentation evenly amongst the two boys, but sometimes one is easier than the other. Theo does get more attention because of my fear of not capturing something that I captured of Max (because I had the time as he was the only one!).
Obviously Max is older and meeting different milestones than Theo. Each and every single day Max has something new he throws out at me or my favorite, he will walk by me in the kitchen and say, 'Im talking to you' or 'just a minute mama'. Or like last night, we are struggling with our bedtime routine (as always), and I closed the door and well he didnt like that. He knew he was supposed to be in bed, and he got up from bed, opened the door and ran right back into bed. My frustration released and I laughed.
I watch Max, witness his growth, in awe of how smart he is, how strong he is.
I love him.
2012 school picture. Just look at how grown-up he is??
The Twinkies received scooters for their birthdays, and they are pretty savy with them. This past weekend when spending time with them, Grandma found we might be in a pickle over Thanksgiving.
Three boys, two scooters.
She took Max to pick out his own scooter. This was his first turn on it. Didnt get the whole 'put your one foot on the ground and push' thing. Monday night when we got home, he wanted to try again. I turned on the light in the garage, put his helmet on and went in the house. I hear this little voice, 'MAMA! I put my foot on the ground!'. I dropped what I was doing, ran to the garage and watched him try to manuever the scooter - steering and pushing with his foot. He's getting it, more practice and he'll be an ol'pro! SO proud of him.
Obviously Max is older and meeting different milestones than Theo. Each and every single day Max has something new he throws out at me or my favorite, he will walk by me in the kitchen and say, 'Im talking to you' or 'just a minute mama'. Or like last night, we are struggling with our bedtime routine (as always), and I closed the door and well he didnt like that. He knew he was supposed to be in bed, and he got up from bed, opened the door and ran right back into bed. My frustration released and I laughed.
I watch Max, witness his growth, in awe of how smart he is, how strong he is.
I love him.
2012 school picture. Just look at how grown-up he is??
He is my favorite dinner date. I love that we can have conversations (though still pretty short) when we sit down and eat together.
The Twinkies received scooters for their birthdays, and they are pretty savy with them. This past weekend when spending time with them, Grandma found we might be in a pickle over Thanksgiving.
Three boys, two scooters.
She took Max to pick out his own scooter. This was his first turn on it. Didnt get the whole 'put your one foot on the ground and push' thing. Monday night when we got home, he wanted to try again. I turned on the light in the garage, put his helmet on and went in the house. I hear this little voice, 'MAMA! I put my foot on the ground!'. I dropped what I was doing, ran to the garage and watched him try to manuever the scooter - steering and pushing with his foot. He's getting it, more practice and he'll be an ol'pro! SO proud of him.
Its a very rare occasion these days that I get out by myself for fun. Usually when the kids are with Grandma or cousin Sara, its so that I can run my errands in a timely fashion, not to have fun.
This past Saturday night was a total last minute deal for me (that means there was a week's notice in planning). I met up with Mel2 in the city (a friend who also is named Melissa).
Can I just say that no matter how many times I am in Chicago city limits, or even looking at the city on TV or in pictures, I get this feeling of 'home'. I love my city.
I enjoy Mel2's company because she is a city girl, a foodie, and a career-minded person. She and I relate on many levels. Her last boyfriend-ish up and moved...WHO does that?? Anyway, I digress.
We started the evening at the Trump Tower/Hotel. One of the elevators was covered, I mean covered in gingerbread and frosting. Um, yum. If it wasnt treated to stay like such, I would have taken a bite...literally....yes, I would have....I have that kind of cooth when it comes to gingerbread. (could you imagine the elevator doors open and here I am taking a bite out of the wall, licking the frosting from my fingers!!)
Of course the hotel was decorated Trump style - always over-the-top and the best. It was gorgeous. My only picture doesnt do it any justice.
We went to Roots Pizza for dinner. Had the best grilled ricotta, yes I said that ... grilled ricotta. It was creamy, salty, sweet served on plain white toast. Heaven! The Northerner salad was delish, one of my favs.
After dinner, right when we were going to wallow in men, we walked next door to the Bleeding Heart Bakery and delved into a giant cakeball. Look at these things:
As we walked back to my car, we passed up probably one of the very last record stores. This has got High Fidelity written all over it.
Sweet Home, Chicago.
This past Saturday night was a total last minute deal for me (that means there was a week's notice in planning). I met up with Mel2 in the city (a friend who also is named Melissa).
Can I just say that no matter how many times I am in Chicago city limits, or even looking at the city on TV or in pictures, I get this feeling of 'home'. I love my city.
I enjoy Mel2's company because she is a city girl, a foodie, and a career-minded person. She and I relate on many levels. Her last boyfriend-ish up and moved...WHO does that?? Anyway, I digress.
We started the evening at the Trump Tower/Hotel. One of the elevators was covered, I mean covered in gingerbread and frosting. Um, yum. If it wasnt treated to stay like such, I would have taken a bite...literally....yes, I would have....I have that kind of cooth when it comes to gingerbread. (could you imagine the elevator doors open and here I am taking a bite out of the wall, licking the frosting from my fingers!!)
Of course the hotel was decorated Trump style - always over-the-top and the best. It was gorgeous. My only picture doesnt do it any justice.
We went to Roots Pizza for dinner. Had the best grilled ricotta, yes I said that ... grilled ricotta. It was creamy, salty, sweet served on plain white toast. Heaven! The Northerner salad was delish, one of my favs.
After dinner, right when we were going to wallow in men, we walked next door to the Bleeding Heart Bakery and delved into a giant cakeball. Look at these things:
Oh my goodness. All I can say is 'Men???'
As we walked back to my car, we passed up probably one of the very last record stores. This has got High Fidelity written all over it.
Sweet Home, Chicago.
Since becoming a parent my thoughts on money and how to spend it have changed. Since becoming a parent to two kids, it changed drastically. Gone are the days of not blinking at spending $100 for a pair of shoes.
The biggest area of adjustment in my budget was my food bill. Certainly gone are the days of eating out. I've been doing an awesome job of brown-bagging my lunch, and making sure we are home for meals. I might go to the grocery store a bit more now, but the money spent goes a lot further than just one meal.
Today is a perfect example, we were at the Jewels (as us Chicagoans say) to pick up some items for dinner. On the list too was cake mix, so we stopped there last on the way out. Max picked up this, and says, 'Chocolate muffins please.'
My initial reaction was, 'eh...well...' and before I could get out a full answer, I saw the price tag. Ready for this??? $4.59. That's right, four dollars and fifty-nine cents. In my head I was all, 'ARE YOU KIDDING ME? FOUR DOLLARS for a muffin mix??', though the words that came out of my mouth, 'Why dont we try this instead?' pulling the small Jiffy box of chocolate muffins off the shelf.
I have no problems making these for him, but not at that price tag nor ingredients. I looked closer at the muffins on the Reese's box and its simply a chocolate muffin with a peanut butter streusel. Simple. I'll google peanut butter streusel when I get home.
So for $.89 I took the Jiffy box with us, which I think Max had a better liking too because the box was small and he had better control over it.
Without further ado, our Peanut Butter Chocolate muffins:
How did I make these?
-Follow the directions on the box for the muffins.
-Found this recipe for Peanut Butter Muffins, and just used the streusel topping.
A parenting win this weekend! (Thank heavens, because Im starting to feel defeated by the teething!)
The biggest area of adjustment in my budget was my food bill. Certainly gone are the days of eating out. I've been doing an awesome job of brown-bagging my lunch, and making sure we are home for meals. I might go to the grocery store a bit more now, but the money spent goes a lot further than just one meal.
Today is a perfect example, we were at the Jewels (as us Chicagoans say) to pick up some items for dinner. On the list too was cake mix, so we stopped there last on the way out. Max picked up this, and says, 'Chocolate muffins please.'
My initial reaction was, 'eh...well...' and before I could get out a full answer, I saw the price tag. Ready for this??? $4.59. That's right, four dollars and fifty-nine cents. In my head I was all, 'ARE YOU KIDDING ME? FOUR DOLLARS for a muffin mix??', though the words that came out of my mouth, 'Why dont we try this instead?' pulling the small Jiffy box of chocolate muffins off the shelf.
I have no problems making these for him, but not at that price tag nor ingredients. I looked closer at the muffins on the Reese's box and its simply a chocolate muffin with a peanut butter streusel. Simple. I'll google peanut butter streusel when I get home.
So for $.89 I took the Jiffy box with us, which I think Max had a better liking too because the box was small and he had better control over it.
Without further ado, our Peanut Butter Chocolate muffins:
See, not bad and not bad tasting either. It was a hit with Max. What I also love about the Jiffy mixes, they are half the size of a regular box which is perfect for us right now. I dont need a dozen muffins in my house, because I wont eat them all, I'll give some to Grandma + Ginga and the rest will get thrown out.
How did I make these?
-Follow the directions on the box for the muffins.
-Found this recipe for Peanut Butter Muffins, and just used the streusel topping.
A parenting win this weekend! (Thank heavens, because Im starting to feel defeated by the teething!)
Dear Theo,
Here you are five months old now. I cant believe how fast you are growing. It almost makes me sad to know that I'll never get these days back and therefore I want them to last forever. Then on the flip side, I am SO excited to see you grow and meet your milestones and express more of who you are. Just dont grow up too fast, okay?
At five months,
-you celebrated your first Halloween, though you were sick, so you had to stay in the house with Ginga and cousin Sara.
-you are sitting up just about by yourself, very little support is needed and you dont wobble over too much. Way to Go!
-still working on the rolling over, though there are more and more signs of it; it probably helps when I give you more floor time.
-on the verge of cutting your first tooth.
-starting to transition to stage two foods, expanding the palate. Just like your brother, you dont like anything green, only orange.
-you absolutely adore your brother, constantly watching him, smiling and laughing.
-you laugh when I yell at your brother.
-you have the chunkiest legs, I just want to eat them up! (in other words, a good sign of strength!)
You simply amaze me every single day. I've fallen head over heals for you. I worry so much that I dont spend enough one on one time with you. Especially during the week, so I find the weekends are usually us just hanging out - all three of us. I love it.
I love you.
Just some random photos I took last weekend of Theo. I was prompted by second child syndrome - felt the need to snap every move, smile, moment to catch up to what I captured of Max.
How do you celebrate Election Day? Why with nothing more all-american than Apple Pie.
Though this is more of an Apple Slice, which is more of a pastry rather than pie.
Congrats President Obama, looking forward to the next four years, you know the years that count - where you'll have to finish the things you started. Though I have faith you'll do it.
Though this is more of an Apple Slice, which is more of a pastry rather than pie.
Congrats President Obama, looking forward to the next four years, you know the years that count - where you'll have to finish the things you started. Though I have faith you'll do it.
This year Halloween had a different meaning - because Max was catching on to the concept of 'put on a costume and you get candy'.
Ironically Theo was sick on Halloween. I had him in the emergency room in the morning for a high fever. Why is this ironic? Because Max was sick on his first Halloween.
I used a hand-me-down costume for Max this year - a baseball my sister made for my nephew like 14 years ago! Then Mom worked hard to make a basketball for Theo.
They are no professionally made costumes, but they were perfect.
Ironically Theo was sick on Halloween. I had him in the emergency room in the morning for a high fever. Why is this ironic? Because Max was sick on his first Halloween.
I used a hand-me-down costume for Max this year - a baseball my sister made for my nephew like 14 years ago! Then Mom worked hard to make a basketball for Theo.
They are no professionally made costumes, but they were perfect.
After the baptism, we boarded a plane and headed to see my sister in Colorado. Going there, or anywhere she lives really (she seems to live in the most scenic places!!), makes Illinois seem so BORING!
I mean really, just look at these, and I think you'll agree.
I mean really, just look at these, and I think you'll agree.
Not only is it scenic and I can just stare at the views all day, but it also has the best weather. It was only 60-something on each day we were there, but it was warm enough to,
run around in our bare feet:
do the corn maze with shorts and short sleeves:
and then hang out on the back porch in our barefeet too:
I love Colorado.
A couple of weeks ago now - I've become so bad at keeping things current in this place - I had Theo baptized. We are a catholic family, and there are many people in the world that disagree with this faith, but its the faith I was raised with, and its the one that has provided me strength and support in all aspects of my life.
During Max's baptism, I had the feeling of 'this is right'. Again, I had it during Theo's baptism.
So kids, you'll hate CCD, and you'll argue with me about going to church on Sunday mornings, but when you are adults I'll know that you'll have a faith, a foundation to your being. And that is what is most important.
During Max's baptism, I had the feeling of 'this is right'. Again, I had it during Theo's baptism.
So kids, you'll hate CCD, and you'll argue with me about going to church on Sunday mornings, but when you are adults I'll know that you'll have a faith, a foundation to your being. And that is what is most important.