Five Months.

By whattheharry - 11:29 PM

Dear Theo,

Here you are five months old now.  I cant believe how fast you are growing.  It almost makes me sad to know that I'll never get these days back and therefore I want them to last forever.  Then on the flip side, I am SO excited to see you grow and meet your milestones and express more of who you are.  Just dont grow up too fast, okay?

At five months,

-you celebrated your first Halloween, though you were sick, so you had to stay in the house with Ginga and cousin Sara. 

-you are sitting up just about by yourself, very little support is needed and you dont wobble over too much. Way to Go!

-still working on the rolling over, though there are more and more signs of it; it probably helps when I give you more floor time.

-on the verge of cutting your first tooth. 

-starting to transition to stage two foods, expanding the palate.  Just like your brother, you dont like anything green, only orange. 

-you absolutely adore your brother, constantly watching him, smiling and laughing.

-you laugh when I yell at your brother.

-you have the chunkiest legs, I just want to eat them up! (in other words, a good sign of strength!)

You simply amaze me every single day.  I've fallen head over heals for you.  I worry so much that I dont spend enough one on one time with you.  Especially during the week, so I find the weekends are usually us just hanging out - all three of us.  I love it.

I love you.


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