(I am still officially unplugged for the summer, but I thought I'd share our new weekly Sunday Craft. Each week we will try something new. This will also force me to sit down and spend quality time with them.)
Melting Crayons.
One day this week Max discovered some crayons we left in the car in a baggie. They had melted together. He was fascinated by it. Today, when sensing some boredom coming on since we unplugged for the weekend (very little to no TV, electronics) I thought why not make our own melted crayons to use.
So I pulled out our crayon box. Max picked out the crayons. We put them in the mini-donut pan and I googled a recipe on how-to. Voila!
Max pushed the kitchen chair to the counter to watch the crayons cool when I pulled them out of the oven. He was so excited to use them. He even said, 'Thank You Mommy' once they were cooled and I popped them out of the pan. Theo was exited to use them as well.
Cute idea!!