I dont even know where to begin. Its been a hard couple of days. I think its all piled up on me. We are now having to wear masks when in public, and you cant find a single sole mask to buy anywhere. The internet is flooded with turtorials to make your own. There is a shortage of elastic, and bias tape. I suppose there could be worse things that could have a shortage. I spent the better part of two days making these things. It wasnt the actual sewing of the mask that took so long, its because I had made so many.
I feel good having made them though. Sewing has always relaxed me. Putting together patterns and colors is my thing. I love it. I love the mixed pattern look. It gives me great joy to see how things come together. The joy I had from these things was short lived once I read the news.
They are expecting the peak here soon, this week and next. Now more than ever I am staying home. I had a grocery delivery today. I ordered beer to be picked up. I did curbside cricket pick-up for the gecko.
I am mourning the loss of what we knew as normal. What will be the new normal? Will there ever be socializing again? Will it ever be safe? Twelve to eighteen months is a long time to wait for a vaccine. But we need it.
On Friday, the last day of Spring Break, I had the boys help me make a sign to hang outside. I wanted to let people know its okay. We're all in this together.