One weekend in May, I took a walk-a-bout in my yard. I think I do it every day to watch the progress of all the work I have put into this yard, to see the flowers bloom. I was surprised to find the oh-so-petite pink geraniums. Those are brand new this year, and I did not plant those, so my guess is that they were once planted by a previous owner and with all the trees and weeds taking over they went dormant. Now that I am clearing things out, they have a chance to bloom. Oh so pretty.
My wildflowers are coming back this year. So happy about that. I keep watching each and every day to see what will appear, so far its only these pretty orange ones. I am happy.
My neighbor next door is who I call, Old Man. He is never outside, and when we do see him he grunts at us. I noticed last summer his peony shrubs. I also noticed he is NEVER in his backyard. So this one particular walk-a-bout, I launched Max over the fence with clippers and voila! A beautiful bouquet for me.
Right after we committed the crime, we had to line up for a birthday parade. So fun! Wish I did something like this for the boys. Next year. We put out our sign, drove slowly past Owen's house, Theo was hanging out the window, I was beeping the horn and yelling Happy Birthday!
And Max kept saying, I hope I dont get recognized. Oh the joys of a pre-pubescent pre-pre-teen.