Happy 10th Birthday Max!
A whole decade! Ten years! I cant believe it, its gone by so fast and yet so slow at the same time. I know this kid will be super successful in life, but man getting him there has been and is, hard. I am so thankful for him. I am SUPER blessed he's my son. He is super smart, funny, kind, adventurous and so, so inquisitive. Is always wanting to try new things, especially with tools and how things work.
And what the suckiest time to have a birthday too... during quarantine. Everyone is having these parades with the police and fire department, but we just had my brother and his family over, along with my mother and step-father. We celebrated outside, of course. Boys got dirty, ate the entire cake and ran around for two hours. It was simple and so nice.
Let's hope the next ten years do fly by in a minute. Go Max Go!!