I read this today. For some reason this paragraph has made me stop and think about my own life. Though I am not experiencing the same life changes as this person, I am living my life and going thru changes of my own. I really like this sentence: I look forward to meeting myself in this new role. This definitely has a Wow factor to it.
I am going to take this with me, wherever I go, print it out, carry it with me. It will serve as a reminder that I am a different person than I was one year ago, than 5 years ago, than 10 years ago. Question is, am I the person I've wanted to become? How can I get there? What will I do to get there?
I am a different person in lots of ways compared to who I was when Simon was born. Many, many things have impacted me tremendously over the past seven years. I am looking forward to meeting myself in this new role. I will be gentle with myself. I will seek help when I need it. I will savor and celebrate as many moments as I can.
Looking back and looking ahead and being in the right here, right now.