New computer station/office.

By whattheharry - 10:52 AM

My new laptop arrived on Wednesday.  I spent Thurs evening and most of the day Friday setting up the new wireless network, transfering data from old to new and rearranging the 'office' area.  I am pretty pleased with the new laptop, especially the new webcam.  Eleven o'clock Thurs evening I called my mother, as she appeared to be online.  Sure enough she was.  We had a good giggle about the pictures of ourselves in the webcam. 

From this morning.

This would be the webcam shot ... from the office.  You can see the 'paint the trim and doors' project is underway. Webcam 

After spending an exhausting 8 hours transfering 500+ songs from my itunes account, 1800 or so pictures and a few other documents, I decided it was time to indulge in a movie and popcorn.  Today's selection, Roman Holiday.  Never seen it before, and it was in the free movies in Ondemand.  Didnt think I was an Audrey Hepburn fan, but she won me over in this film.  And besides, who knew Gregory Peck was so good looking when he was young.  Well, then again, werent they all? 


Tomorrow I am heading to Target, Joann Fabrics and IKEA to get the final touches for the bathroom and the office area.  Once everything is in place, I will post before and after pics ... first two official rooms complete in the Great Redesign of '09. 

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