March, in like a lion, out like a lamb.

By whattheharry - 3:03 AM

Today is March 8th.  Cant believe its March already and I am cool with that because that means spring is right around the corner which means warmer weather.  Yay!

Its been raining here for the last couple of days.  I was out trying to run errands yesterday and I could feel my mood as less than par.  As I was walking out of Target, spending more money than I needed to trying to lift my mood, I mumbled the words, 'lion day'.  This is the first time in YEARS that I've recalled the saying 'march comes in like a lion, and goes out like lamb'. 

Proof of the lion day.

There was a lamb day on Friday, giving hope of the nice days to come here soon. 

Its so true when they say how the weather can affect one's mood.  Friday, I was happy, wearing a bright green sweater and feeling hopeful the lamb days start to appear more often.   

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