Ten Thoughts on Whole Living.

By whattheharry - 1:48 PM

I seem to forget that I subscribe to Body + Soul.  I cant remember when I got my last magazine.  It was a pleasant surprise today when I got the mail.  My favorite part is the last page.  

This month's Ten Thoughts on Whole Living. 
-Give yourself time to consider what you most want to contribute to the world.   
-Worth doesnt begin and end with a bank account.  Appreciate your true abundance. 
-Skin is a living, breathing organ.  Select your beauty products wisely. 
-the earth's future and our own are linked.  Live in a way that supports both
-Better eating starts with small, positive steps. 
-Amazing things happen when you opt for healthier choices.
-Aging well has less to do with what you avoid and more to do with what you embrace
-Make every effort to be gentle with  yourself.
-A close network of friends and family can sustain you in more ways than you know. 
-The decision to let go may be the most important one you ever make. 

I really like reading these.  I like feeling good afterwards knowing that doing good, doing better for me is feasible in these small steps and thoughts. 

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