Its suppose to be the dog days of summer. Its suppose to be wicked hot and even more wicked humid right now. It is August, in Chicago.
Fortunately for me, its 65 degrees and crisp. Maybe even damp. But I love it. I could live in this weather all year. On days like today, usually in the fall, I will 'enjoy the evening', in the backyard, with a cup of tea and my blanket. I think I will need to add a fire pit. They should all be on sale now, shouldnt they???
**you cant see it, but i am actually wearing two fleece jackets and bare feet.
Everyone has their own style. Mine is casual country. I could live in my cowboy boots, my jeans and a funky top. Lately I've been buying items that I think I like only to find out I like them because they are the 'norm'. I have been deviating from my true style self.
I found this website, Polyvore, where you can put together an outfit of all your favorites, regardless of designer. Going thru this exercise reinforces me and my boots and my jeans being friends all hours outside of the 40 hours a week I am in the office.
Go and build your own wish list or reminder of your style!
Over the last two days we've had some odd weather here in Chicago-land. Rain, drizzle, POUR, drizzle, big lightening and even bigger thunder. This surely keeps things interesting.
Yesterday I had to wait it out at work for the terrential rain subside. As I am power walking to my car, a huge strike of lightening strikes about 100 feet away. Okay, it was probably more like a mile away but it was one of those strikes that I could hear the electricity rumbling.
I used to be afraid of lightening and thunderstorms. And when the storms are bad like they have been yesterday and today, yeah, I am still that 'fraidy cat. There was a lightening exhibit at the Science Museum in Boston that my father took my brother and I to when we were young. I could not crawl any further into my father's armpit during the show. I hated it! So walking to the car yesterday immediately brought me back to that show and wanting my father's big comforting arm and armpit to hide in.
I took a leisurely walk tonight because the humidity subsided and I needed a break from the air conditioning. As I walked through the neighborhood I looked up at the sky. On one street it was the typical sunset sky. On the next street it was a giant rain cloud. Then the next street, huge storm cloud. Weird.
I spent the afternoon with the twin nephews and my sister-in-law. I always enjoy spending time with them. They are cool people, easy to get along with and always make me smile. And Kelly, she is very special to me. She understands. Thank you Kelly!
Both the boys were traveling in Goofball City today. Then after their last nap, they moved to Cranky City, but right before I left it was back to Goofball City. These two, when they get older, will really get each other going and will drive their parents nuts!
*poladroid of the tyler in pool watching charlie heading to the a/c unit to check it out, make sure its working properly, layered on close up of tyler visiting goofball city.
I am sitting here tonight paying bills and working the budget when I get a text from my sister Sharon. I open and its this:
I totally love Zachary. He makes me smile.
I have a selection of blogs I read each day. Today, one of them posted this. I love it! Its a great idea!
Saturday, with it being typical Chicago summer, hot and sticky, I was pretty much inside all day, except for an hour in the late afternoon did I sit outside. This hour was spent sitting in my backyard, reading the 2nd book of my summer reading list (sad, its early August and I've only made it to my 2nd book!). While I was reading the book, I felt contentment and happiness. I thoroughly enjoy just hanging out, keeping it low key. Add a few family members or friends in the back yard with me, some food on the grill, chips and salsa, and it would have been the icing on the my cake.
Last night as I was driving home from having dinner with friends, I started to feel sadness. It wasnt from spending time with friends. I know the root cause of this sadness. I wonder if I google'd some horoscope nonsense or Chinese astrology/year of the whatever animal, it would state that its the year for rebirth in many lives. It must be the year of rebirth for my family. I have a brother-in-law being deployed at the of August, to Kuwait. I have a sister who has made some life choices that is impacting all of us. Not to say our life was peachy, but it worked. There is/was always room for improvement. Most of us have taken advantage of the opportunity to make the improvements, some of us havent. Those who havent, makes me sad. Why wouldnt they want to improve themselves? Become the best person they can be?
I believe God doesnt give you what you cant handle. However, I want to sit down with Him and have a serious conversation about what is acceptable and what isnt. Jeez.
Another free constructive thing to do, a way to spend your time. Outdoor concert.
The village of Plainfield had an outdoor concert tonight at their bandshell behind the town hall. It was an all woman jazz band. The forty-five minutes we, Laura, Sara + I, were there listening, they played a handful of songs from artists I didnt know and artists I do know.
Though they were not the greatest band I've seen, and the majority of the audience carries an AARP card, it was nice to break up the 'come-home-from-work-eat-dinner-watch-tv-surf-the-'net' routine. And a little fresh air, even though it was thick as early morning fog with mosquitos, cant hurt the mind, the mood and the spirit.
I Google'd 'free music concerts in naperville' and found the The Naperville Municipal Band. I forgot they play at the bandshell in downtown Naperville. Their last concert for the summer weekday series is August 13th. I think I just might have to go to this!
There is also the Naperville Carillon bell tower Tuesday Night summer performance schedule. Again, free. How fun would that be, listening to music with a friend, sitting on a blanket enjoying some snacks ... anyone game?
And here I am, reading up on social media in call center jobs to reduce attrition rates and to increase customer satisfaction. I am seeing the benefit, but do you think my employer will?
A couple of weeks back when my sister Sharon and her family were in town, I had spent some time with my brother-in-law, Geno. He is a HUGE reader. Loves to read. Loves to read the classics. Don Quixote is his favorite, or one of his favorite novels. He loves it so much my sister has a 7ft wood Don in her house (carved out of a tree trunk).
But back to the books. Years ago, Geno had told me about a book trading website he used, and for the life of me I cannot think of it. He is big on recycling or sharing books that he's read. When we were visiting on a Friday night, with a couple glasses of wine, beers and polished off with a martini, he mentioned the Paperback Swap website. He referred me to sign-up said it was easier to use than the previous one.
So tonight, in my attempt to tackle another task on the 'de-clutter' the house list, I went to Paperback Swap. I checked it out, found myself intrigued by their concept - book trading based on a point system. I signed up. I listed a couple of books. I need to put together my wish list next for when its time to pick up the next book.
Just another way to save a buck or two ... trading your books.
(now, dont forget there is always the library)
Many years ago, when I was a kid, I learned how to sew. My mother taught me how, we made a pair of shorts as my first project. Ever since then I've always sewed, but would take years long sabbaticals from sewing because I would get bored with the process.
Today, I dusted off the sewing machine (a gift from my mother) and put together a skirt. My first sewing project in years. I cant say how many exactly, but its a good five or six years. At least.
I am pleased with the finished product. I have a few design elements (ie, errors) that I am not too upset about. In the past if I made a mistake I would get frustrated and quit the project. Today, none of that happened. I found the whole exercise of cutting out the fabric, sewing together the pieces, ironing and finally trying on the finished product very therapeutic. I am very excited about trying this again!
And Voila! here's the finished product, design elements and all.