Another free thing.

By whattheharry - 3:29 PM

A couple of weeks back when my sister Sharon and her family were in town, I had spent some time with my brother-in-law, Geno.  He is a HUGE reader.  Loves to read.  Loves to read the classics.  Don Quixote is his favorite, or one of his favorite novels.  He loves it so much my sister has a 7ft wood Don in her house (carved out of a tree trunk). 

But back to the books.  Years ago, Geno had told me about a book trading website he used, and for the life of me I cannot think of it.  He is big on recycling or sharing books that he's read.  When we were visiting on a Friday night, with a couple glasses of wine, beers and polished off with a martini, he mentioned the Paperback Swap website.  He referred me to sign-up said it was easier to use than the previous one. 

So tonight, in my attempt to tackle another task on the 'de-clutter' the house list, I went to Paperback Swap.  I checked it out, found myself intrigued by their concept - book trading based on a point system.  I signed up.  I listed a couple of books.  I need to put together my wish list next for when its time to pick up the next book.   

Just another way to save a buck or two ... trading your books. 

(now, dont forget there is always the library) - Book Club to Swap, Trade & Exchange Books for Free.

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