And yet another free thing...

By whattheharry - 3:49 PM

Another free constructive thing to do, a way to spend your time.  Outdoor concert. 

The village of Plainfield had an outdoor concert tonight at their bandshell behind the town hall.  It was an all woman jazz band.  The forty-five minutes we, Laura, Sara + I, were there listening, they played a handful of songs from artists I didnt know and artists I do know. 

Though they were not the greatest band I've seen, and the majority of the audience carries an AARP card, it was nice to break up the 'come-home-from-work-eat-dinner-watch-tv-surf-the-'net' routine.  And a little fresh air, even though it was thick as early morning fog with mosquitos, cant hurt the mind, the mood and the spirit. 

I Google'd 'free music concerts in naperville' and found the The Naperville Municipal Band.  I forgot they play at the bandshell in downtown Naperville.  Their last concert for the summer weekday series is August 13th.  I think I just might have to go to this! 

There is also the Naperville Carillon bell tower Tuesday Night summer performance schedule.  Again, free.  How fun would that be, listening to music with a friend, sitting on a blanket enjoying some snacks ... anyone game?




And here I am, reading up on social media in call center jobs to reduce attrition rates and to increase customer satisfaction.  I am seeing the benefit, but do you think my employer will?

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