There has to be nothing more rewarding then seeing your children show affection for each other. Especially when they can have such different personalities. Yesterday I spent the afternoon with Kelly and the twinkies. They are so damn cute. They are sick right now, but they still found the energy to walk, crawl, get into things, play, smile, laugh. Tyler with his non-stop runny nose and Charlie with his deep hoarse voice.
Kelly and I were able to witness the brotherly love between these two last night when they decided during their playing they would kiss each other. It was cutest thing. And I believe Kelly's heart had swooned to about the size of Texas after she saw it.
Then when it was time for bed, Charlie went down with no fussing. Tyler, since he is in the heart of this cold, he had a little harder time. He cried for a while. Then as Kelly and I sat on the couch just waiting it out, determining if Tyler needed to be picked up, Charlie started talking. He probably was saying, 'Its okay brother...just close your eyes, relax, and you'll feel better'. Sure enough, shortly after that, Tyler stopped crying.
These two will be one on Thursday. Can you believe it? One year of having these two little beautiful creatures in our lives. I dont remember life without them. (Well, I do, but its so much better now that they are around!).