Today is the start of Thanksgiving for me. My family is having dinner part 1, so we can celebrate with my brother and his family, as they are spending Thursday with my sister-in-law's family.
Last week I was looking for inspiration for holiday decorating. I have this bag of old photos from my grandparents house. So as I was looking through them all, seeing my grandmother so young and pretty and their house, brought back so many good and warm memories of the holidays spent with them.
I especially found inspiration in this photo taken on Thanksgiving day in 1958.
On the far left, you can barely see my grandmother, and to her left is my Aunt Dorothy, then Uncle Donald. To my grandmother's right is my Aunt Syrl and finally my mother, Diana. I believe that silver tray sitting next to my mother is actually in my mother's house!
And by the way, totally see my cousin Mandy in this picture ... her mother is Aunt Syrl!
This year begins a new chapter of holidays in my life. I am no longer by myself for the holidays, I will always have my bean with me. This brings a completely different meaning to the holidays. I like this feeling!