Yesterday I took pictures of the grilled cheese sandwich making machine my mother found at the Goodwill, thinking I could write a post about how its brought simplicity and convenience to my life.
And as I was taking the pictures I realized I am Carrie Bradshaw in the episode of Sex and the City where she was experiencing writer's (or love) block, and decided to write about finding the perfect french fry.
I deleted the pictures from my camera.
I'm having a little bit of a life block here. Probably because its the last 5 weeks of my pregnancy. Max is growing up some - talking so much more now, not listening just that much more. I dont think I am mentally prepared for being a mom to two kids.
We've had some changes at home - Max now sleeps in a twin bed, no more crib. We started talking about using the 'potty', and there isnt any objections. I've sat him on the toilet twice now and he just asks what is going on. I am preparing space for another child that I have no idea what will be like, how they will fit into my family dyanmic.
So, I have no pictures. I really dont have anything of value to say. I have a list of to-do's to do at work and I am finding my days getting shorter (too many interruptions). And I am SO ready for this pregnancy to be over. I want my body back. I want to wear cute clothes. I want to color my hair (so so long overdue).
I want to get into our new routine. That should break the block for sure!