The Sneaky Chef.

By whattheharry - 8:37 AM

Ever heard of the The Sneaky Chef?  Or the concept to hide fruits and veggies in kid favorite foods? 

Not me.

Max's pediatrician told me about this concept, referenced the cookbook by Jessica Seinfeld, when I was asking about nutrition and how can I get Max to eat more fruits and veggies.  I hopped on Amazon, looked up Deceptively Delicious, and found so-so reviews.  I also saw The Sneaky Chef, and in its reviews someone did a comparison of the two cookbooks/methods.  Hands down this person preferred The Sneaky Chef. 

I went to TSC's website, was able to try a free recipe (Orange Puree), and I'm impressed.  I made the Chicken Parm Pops.  Max didnt touch them (I dont think he likes things on his chicken nuggets!), but I tasted them and you cannot tell the pasta sauce contains carrots and sweet potatoes. 

I ordered the book.  (mind you I ordered a used book for a fraction of the price, like almost 80% difference!, thank you used book sellers!)

Last night I made homemade sorbet.  I love sorbet.  Always loved it, especially the rainbow kind.  But of course its full of sugar!  When I saw her recipe which is basically fruit I was excited to try it. 

Homemade Fruit Sorbet
1 1/2 cups of frozen fruit (I used strawberries)
1/2 cup store bought juice (she recommends pomegranate which I will try, but I just used orange)
2 tsp sugar

Add all ingredients into food processor and process until smooth.

The results are a soft sorbet...still very yummy!  I put the left overs in the freezer to firm up.   

Of course I added whip cream and sprinkles to make it fun...Max took two bites of the whip cream and decided he was done.  (This is a whole other subject on how to get your toddler to eat!)

But I loved it!

What I need to get is a proper food processor, my blender has been overused and is practically burnt out!

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