... the birthday celebrations conclude.
I still cant believe he is two. He amazes me everyday with his little (or big) personality, his sense of humor, his inquisitiveness, his stubborness (oh yes! he got it from me, thats for sure!) and just his whole being.
I cant believe I am 'Mama' to this wonderful miracle.
Wednesday morning, he woke up, I said 'Happy Birthday!', he looked at me funny and went about his normal 'i just woke up and want to lay on mama's bed' routine. But its when we came downstairs did his eyes light up! He didnt know what to do...he stood there looking at the giant Thomas on the wall. He pointed out the Happy Birthday banner hanging up. He immediately ran to the basketball hoop.
Cupcakes at school!
Cupcakes at dinner! (I took Max to the McDonald's playland. He loved it - just ran around for an hour, it was perfect!)
Celebrating with the family on Sunday. Cupcakes again! Holy cow!
I also did a photo-booth again this year. I just like the idea. My sister-in-law and nephew Tyler missed Max's 1st birthday because of an illness, so this year I made sure I had this so they could join in on the fun.
I'm so happy Max had such a great birthday -- enjoying the celebrations at school and home, complete with lots of cupcakes! Great pictures - love the photo booth idea... and you look so adorable!!!