happy halloween!

By whattheharry - 1:31 PM

i cant believe its halloween already!  where has the year gone?  this is my favorite holiday, is it even a holiday?

i love all the costumes, the excitement of getting all this candy, the jack-o-lanterns, the ghosts and gouhls in people's yards.  its the one time of year that i feel neighborhood-ly.  though we all talk to our neighbors throughout the year, but this is the one day where we are all out and about.

today as i was driving home from work, i passed up three boys riding their bikes, wearing those presidential rubber heads.  one was george w. bush, one was clinton, and i think the other was nixon ... i couldnt keep staring otherwise i would have drove up into someone's front yard! 

how funny is that?  three boys, dressed as people they probably dont even know who they are other than they were presidents at some point.  where was my camera?  at home.  damn!

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