
By whattheharry - 7:00 PM

I havent posted about Max is quite some time it appears.  I've been trying to balance the documentation evenly amongst the two boys, but sometimes one is easier than the other.  Theo does get more attention because of my fear of not capturing something that I captured of Max (because I had the time as he was the only one!).

Obviously Max is older and meeting different milestones than Theo.  Each and every single day Max has something new he throws out at me or my favorite, he will walk by me in the kitchen and say, 'Im talking to you' or 'just a minute mama'.  Or like last night, we are struggling with our bedtime routine (as always), and I closed the door and well he didnt like that.  He knew he was supposed to be in bed, and he got up from bed, opened the door and ran right back into bed.  My frustration released and I laughed. 

I watch Max, witness his growth, in awe of how smart he is, how strong he is. 

I love him.

2012 school picture.  Just look at how grown-up he is?? 

He is my favorite dinner date.  I love that we can have conversations (though still pretty short) when we sit down and eat together. 

The Twinkies received scooters for their birthdays, and they are pretty savy with them.  This past weekend when spending time with them, Grandma found we might be in a pickle over Thanksgiving. 

Three boys, two scooters. 

She took Max to pick out his own scooter.  This was his first turn on it.  Didnt get the whole 'put your one foot on the ground and push' thing.  Monday night when we got home, he wanted to try again.  I turned on the light in the garage, put his helmet on and went in the house.  I hear this little voice, 'MAMA! I put my foot on the ground!'.  I dropped what I was doing, ran to the garage and watched him try to manuever the scooter - steering and pushing with his foot.  He's getting it, more practice and he'll be an ol'pro!  SO proud of him. 

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