Mother Nature Instability

By whattheharry - 1:25 PM

Over the last two days we've had some odd weather here in Chicago-land.  Rain, drizzle, POUR, drizzle, big lightening and even bigger thunder.  This surely keeps things interesting. 

Yesterday I had to wait it out at work for the terrential rain subside.  As I am power walking to my car, a huge strike of lightening strikes about 100 feet away.  Okay, it was probably more like a mile away but it was one of those strikes that I could hear the electricity rumbling. 

I used to be afraid of lightening and thunderstorms.  And when the storms are bad like they have been yesterday and today, yeah, I am still that 'fraidy cat.  There was a lightening exhibit at the Science Museum in Boston that my father took my brother and I to when we were young.  I could not crawl any further into my father's armpit during the show.  I hated it!  So walking to the car yesterday immediately brought me back to that show and wanting my father's big comforting arm and armpit to hide in. 

I took a leisurely walk tonight because the humidity subsided and I needed a break from the air conditioning.  As I walked through the neighborhood I looked up at the sky.  On one street it was the typical sunset sky.  On the next street it was a giant rain cloud.  Then the next street, huge storm cloud.  Weird. 



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