This Damn Heat.

By whattheharry - 6:45 PM

Its been hot, seriously hot. And we've been cooped up in the house, and I hate it.  I feel like I am wasting days just hanging out in the house, when its sunny outside and we should be outside doing something - whatever - but when you take one step outside and feel like you are going to melt, you cant do that something - whatever.  This is making me bonkers.

I have had many posts written up in my head for this space, but with a newborn (who is SIX weeks old today, SIX weeks! Holy Moly!), time is very limited.  The time I would use to create a post, I am trying to nap.  Some days I get the nap, some I dont. 

Here's a summary of the many of posts in my head - the whole newborn baby thing, post partum depression - its real, terrible two's - its real and this hotness. 

Instead, I will just provide you with some snapshots I've captured. 

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