Three Months.

By whattheharry - 11:09 AM

Dear Theo,

You are three months old now, well have been for a couple of weeks.  I'm sorry this is late.  But this has been the story of my life since your arrival.  I am not complaining in the least bit you see, before you and your brother were here, I was uptight and rigid about schedules.  I relaxed a bit when your brother arrived.  And since your arrival, well, I cant say I am all 'go-with-the-flow', but I am most certainly much better about just doing what I can, forgetting about the little insignificant things.

I just cant get over how cute you are.  I cant get over that smile, it makes my heart melt.

At three months:
-you started school, going three days a week, and love it.  You love watching the other kids.

-you still eat an enormous amount of food - well not really, but you still like your food.  You especially love bananas.

-you transitioned from cooing to flat out right talking.  Of course there are no words, but you love to hear your voice.

-you had found your hands last month, always holding them out in front of you.  Well, this month they are in your mouth.

-you are doing super with your tummy time, a task that you hated up until recently.  You are strong.

-your hair still stands straight up off the top of your head.  This mohawk is not going away any time soon. (and I love that!)

-you love the water.  You absolutely love taking baths, even with your brother's help.

-you are just simply happy.

I say this every month, and I did so with your brother, I am so so blessed to have you.  You are fitting into our family perfectly.  I imagine that you and your brother will be the best of friends, getting along famously (and not, as siblings do).

I look forward to each and every day with you.  I sometimes feel as if I am not able to give you as much attention as you deserve and will hold you a bit longer before you go to bed, or let you sleep in my bed next to me just so that you know I am here with you.

Thank you little boy for being just who you are.
I love you.


And we cant say, 'your hands are always in your mouth' without proof, now can we??

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  1. Precious! LOVE the smile. LOVE the hair!
