Last day of summer, First day of fall. Feeling inspired.

By whattheharry - 12:27 PM

*my front porch, ready for fall

Today is the last day of summer and the first day of fall.  Its a new season, new feelings of being inspired.  Pro football season is under way, the baseball playoffs are going to start soon, homecoming games and dances are coming up, leaves are changing color and falling off the trees.  All of this sparks 'new' in me.  Fall is one of my favorite seasons.  I enjoy the cooler weather, the way the sun is setting differently and anything apple and pumpkin related.  I have been feeling very inspired all day thinking of the things I want to do, to make this fall season just a bit more enjoyable and memorable. 

1.  Homemade pumpkin bread.  I will be doing this this Saturday morning.  I will get up early and read my blogroll as I smell the pumpkin just wafting through the house. 
2.  Hike through The Morton Aboretum.  I want to take my camera and capture all the different colors seen.  Usually I go to the Adirondack mountains the 1st weekend in October to visit my aunt.  She lives in the most beautiful area.  
3.  Embrace each day with a few minutes of solitude in the early morning sun.  I have been feeling at peace or just a bit relaxed the last few days and would like for this to continue.  Plus, I want to enjoy what Mother Nature is providing me.  
4.  Gain a better appreciation for my body.  Overall, my health is good, but there is definite room for improvement.  I am starting to feel like the junk food I eat.  Today, I made one small choice that has definitely started a snowball effect.
5.  Have a fall picnic with the girlfriends.  We need to pack up the food, drinks, laughs and tears (without the spouses) and enjoy Mother Nature. 

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