What kind of mother am I?

By whattheharry - 9:28 AM


Lately I've been wondering what kind of mother am I.  Each person is unique and different and no two parenting styles are alike, but I am trying to figure out mine.  Not sure why I need to go through this exercise, or even put a label on it.  

I know I want to be the type of mom that encourages her children to try new things.  I want them to feel comfortable enough to talk about what is on their mind and know their feelings will not be pacified or belittled.  I know it will be super hard for me to let them experience pain and heartache, from bad choices, as I can recall that feeling a little too well. 

I want to be the type of mom that instead of putting the groceries away immediately when we get home, that we take a walk, in the drizzling rain.  I want to make sure that proper nutrition is provided.  I want to have dinner at the dinner table as family. 

Though on days like today, I struggle with the tantrums and crankiness.  I can see the glares of others in the stores.  It drives me crazy that people are passing judgement when they have no idea the circumstances.  I need to work on letting go of what other people think.  I have no control over it and even if I did, I cant force someone to agree with my parenting style. 

I know I am doing the best I can.  And from the hugs that Max has learned to give, the milestones he is meeting and exceeding and his laughter and smiles, I know whatever this parenting style is, is working. 

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  1. Don't you just loooove judgy people? They're the worst.
    What's important is what you wrote: You know you're doing the best you can - and it's evident in how well Max is doing.
    For what it's worth, he looks like a happy, thriving, lovable little boy. And that's because of you. So A++ for being his mother!
