Just a Regular Thursday Night.

By whattheharry - 10:58 AM

Every day I am committed to spending quality no-tv time with Max and Theo.  Well, every day its on my to-do list.  It doesnt always happen. 

Though last night, I most certainly made the time as its been a late night every week - late leaving work, late getting home, late eating dinner, late getting to bed.  So last night I treated us to McD's for dinner, which we had while mobile (ie, in the car) so that when got home, all I had to do was put our things away and then we could play. 

And that we did.  We made the longest train track ever, to be used by the longest train ever.  (well ever in our house.)

(Both pictures were taken with my phone.  That thing sure does come in handy, even though I am trying to break up with it.  Maybe its a keeper after all.)

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  1. The trains are so awesome! My husband's parents got our kiddo one for Christmas and it's crazy how much that thing gets played with. And that's just by the grown-ups!
