Theo's First Birthday.

By whattheharry - 8:51 PM

I still cant believe he's one.  Every day for the last month or so I've been trying to reach in to my memory bank and feel each memory - feel when he was just born, his sweet breath on my chest and neck, feel when he was a few weeks old and it was the early morning hours and he was screaming his head off, or feel when he was just a chunky four month old who smiled all the time.  He's my last baby.  To say I am going to miss those days is an understatement. 

However, if he's done anything at all he's only proven to me that one shouldnt judge or compare because you'll miss out on the awesomeness right in front of you.  Theo was born with a lot of hair and a mohawk.  I hated it.  Everyone else thought it was awesome.  I remember telling my OB that he was an alien, and he laughed at me rubbing his not-by-choice bald head. 

It was around three or four months when I asbolutely fell in love with the mohawk and when it grew out I was sad.  But its just one of the many things that makes Theo awesome.  He's my diamond in the rough, just like his mama.  He's my ANYTHING GOES kid.  Just take a look for yourself....

Theo from Melissa Mensavage on Vimeo.

Theo's 1st 2 from Melissa Mensavage on Vimeo.

Then I had a small party for him.  It was a monster themed party since I have been calling him my monster since he was about 4 months old.  The cake was a chore to make, but I am so glad I did it.  It'll be one to remember.  My good friend Amy make the eye cake-balls.  They were delicious.  I had a painting activity for the kids to do since it was gloomy and raining and we really couldnt run around the back yard.  It was a hit. 

And in typical fashion I had a photobooth again.  However I think the idea has fizzled, not too many people participated. 

So there you have it, my monster's first birthday.  Time is just flying by.  Just. Flying. By.  I am doing all I can to savor the moments.  I dont ever want to forget or forget the feeling. 

And that is it.  I close out the Spring season with this post.  We will see you back here in September.  Have a fantastic summer!

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  1. Looks like fun! I wished I could have been there!! <3

  2. Happy 1st Birthday, Theo! I can't believe it's already been a year... He's absolutely adorable, M. You're clearly doing everything right :)
