Going with the flow.

By whattheharry - 2:47 PM

IMG_1088*taken at 10:30p thursday evening. 

 I had this post all written out about how I've been blogging since 2005, and have captured my life for the last five years in an online journal.  But that all got thrown to the side tonight when Max had a bad, and I mean B.A.D. case of heartburn / stomach ache.  Since he couldnt tell me exactly his symptoms, I had to go on the incessant smelly burps and toots. 

If you look at the carpet on the first floor you will see the path I took tonight for about two hours.  Just walking and walking and walking, I had to catch myself a couple of times from not falling asleep!

So here we are at 10:30p and it seems as if the indigestion has passed for the most part.  He's still burping and tooting.  I am afraid he is hungry and wants his bottle that he normally has right before bed.  And I am leary of giving it to him if its going to upset him again.  I'll wait it out for a few to see what happens. 

But if anyone wanted to know ... this is my life.  Right now.

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  1. Poor little Max. Robbie suffered with this for months and months on end and just yesterday had a small bout. If it keeps up, there is some meds the Dr can perscribe. Could be an allergy too. A couple of things to try are changing formula. He will be Ok soon and the good part is that they grow out of it and even if it stays a while it bothers us more than them.

  2. What a smile getter of a picture. Hope he is feeing much better. Love you guys! :)

  3. For a little guy that doesn't feel well, and a mom who's exhausted - you guys look Great!!
    Hopefully the rest of your night involved a lot of sleep for you both :)
