it is...

By whattheharry - 8:22 PM

This mama is happy.  My two boys.  Life is full. 

(now, a name...ugh)

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  1. Yay!! Congrats!!
    I vote for Henry.
    It's a good name. ;)

  2. Thank you! We already have two Henry's in our family - though it is a name I like! I think I have one, Im letting it hang around for a couple of days (in my mind, to myself) before I confirm and start telling people.

  3. Congratulations, Melissa!! Such wonderful news! Sorry I'm a little late --- I thought I bookmarked your new page... It's officially booked now :)
    So so so happy for you and Max! They're going to be best buds forever.

  4. I found your new site! Yay! Congratulations and am so happy for you and Max : )
